Ferdinand de Saussure


Dublin Core


Ferdinand de Saussure


“The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913)” by Frank-Henri Jullien (1882–1938) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Person Item Type Metadata

Birth Date




Death Date



De Saussure, F. (2006). Writings in general linguistics. Oxford University Press.

De Saussure, F. (1993). Saussure’s Third Course of Lectures in General Linguistics (1910–1911) from the Notebooks of Emile Constantin. vol. 12. Edited by Eisuke Komatsu & trans. by Roy Harris. Pergamon Press.

De Saussure, F. (1959). Course in General Linguistics. Translated by Wade Baskin. New York: Philosophical Library.

Secondary Text

Hirschkop, K. (2019). Linguistic turns, 1890-1950: writing on language as social theory. Oxford University Press.

Daylight, R. (2011). What if Derrida was wrong about Saussure?. Edinburgh University Press.

Bouissac, P. (2010). Saussure: A guide for the perplexed. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Gordon, W. T. (2002). Saussure for beginners (Vol. 73). Orient Blackswan.

Derrida, J. (1976). [1967] Of Grammatology. Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Godel, R. F. (1966). de Saussure’s theory of language. In Thomas A. Sebeok (ed.), Current trends in linguistics. Vol. 3, Theoretical foundations, 479–493. Mouton.

Extra Resources

McElvenny, J. (2021, February 1). Podcast episode 12: Language as a system – Ferdinand de Saussure.
History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences. Accessed July 10, 2022. https://hiphilangsci.net/2021/02/01/podcast-episode-12/

Episode #115 - Structuralism and Context. (2018, January 28). Philosophize this! Podcast. Accessed July 10, 2022.