ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.



ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.


ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745), [Messe] No 2. Nativitatis D[omi]ni, III/Z/6/2


Mus. 2358-D-20


ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.

Uniform Composer

ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 6; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola, Flauti e 2 Trombe’

Materials (1765)

Partitur; Parti

Title Partitura

Missa Nativitiatis D’ni

Uniform Title



Unbound autogr. score of a solemn mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo). Blue-grey covers to sections. Parts are missing.
Cover title Kyrie: Nro 8 (upper right) | Kyrie ex Missa | Nativitatis | Dni. | à 4 | C: A: T: B: | Violin 2 | Oboe 2 | Flaute Tra 2 | Viola | Trombe 2 | e | Basso Cont: | di | G: D: Z.
Cover title Gloria: Nro 8 | Gloria ex Missa | Nativitatis | Domini | à 4 | C:A:T:B: | et | caeter: | di | G: D: Z:
Cover title Credo: # 8: | Credo Sanctus | et | Agnus Dei | ex | Missa | Nativitatis | Dni | à 4 | C:A:T:B: | et | caet: | di | G: D: Z:
Dedications: Concl. Kyrie: A M D G B V M OO SS H AA P I R 16 Decem | 1726;
Concl. Gloria: A M D G OO SS B V M H AA P I R. Dresdae li 20 [missing] |1726;
Concl. Credo: A M D G VV M OO SS H AA P in R. li 23 Decem | 1726. Sequitur Sanctus.
In the later ‘Catalogo della Musica di Chiesa’ (c1784) score and parts for the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus are listed for Messa: No: 2) Messa Nativitatis (III/Z/8/1). The incipits for the Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus almost match those given for Messa: No: 9) Missa Charitatis, ZWV 10: III/Z/9/4 (with horns replacing trumpets).
This mass was first produced on the second day of the Christmas triduum, 1726. On that day (26.12.1726: S. Stephani Protomartyr) the Dresden Diarium Missionis reported: ‘Cantatum cum assistentia. . . . fuerunt intradae. Musicam produxit D. Zelenka’.
See Zelenka-Dokumentation, 130, Nr. 40; 286, ZWV 8.
This is probably the mass entered into the Breitkopf non-thematic catalogues (Michaelmesse 1761; Ostermesse 1769) as: Missa à 2 Corni, 2 Flauti, 2 Oboi, 2 Violini, Viola, 4 Voci, Basso e Organo. a 4 thl. (1761); — Kyrie cum Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Osanna & Agnus à 2 Corni, 2 Flauti, 2 Oboi, 2 Violini, Viola, 4 Voci, e Fondamento. P. 5 thl. St. 4 thl. 12 gl. (1769).
Score copies of the Missa Nativitatis as a Missa tota are kept in
1. CZ-Pu, 59 R 2033, originally from the Jesuit church of St Nicholas (Missa Integra [...] Authore Sigr. Zelenka | Chori Soctis Iesu | Micro-Pragae. 1736. RISM ID no. 550506418. Discussed by Kapsa in ‘Die Musik in der St. Nikolauskirche’, 204;
2. D-B, Mus. MS 23 539. ‘Aus Emanuel Bachs Nachlaß’. This version replaces Zelenka’s two trumpets with the pair of horns and might have been ordered from one of the Breitkopf non-thematic catalogues. RISM ID no. 452522193;
2a. A MS copy of this version (a Missa tota with two horns) is held in the Boston Public Library Music Collection: ‘Presented to the Public Library of the City of Boston By Joshua Bates Esq. Received Sept. 15.1859. No. 31002’, ff. 199–317. US-Bpr Series B-Bpm, 4051.14 v. 28.
3. D-B Am.B. 360. RISM ID no. 452505214;
4. The opening incipit (Kyrie) agrees with the incipit of a Missa integra listing in the Osek Inventory, 1754 (Missae Dominicales), sub littera D fol. 19, Nr. 3 by Zelenka;
5. The Kyrie incipit of Missa Nativitatis agrees with the Kyrie incipit of a RISM entry of a work titled ‘Missa | di | Fedeli’ in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung. D-B, Mus.ms. 6080 452. RISM ID no. 45200443


Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche [pencil]


V. 10 (1904), 337–8: Zelenka, Johann Dismas [...] Die kathol. Kirche in Dresden [...] 21 vollständige Messen, alle in P. u. Stb [...]

SLB Card Catalog

(Aut. 207) Mus. 2358-D-20 <br />
Zelenka, Giovanni Disma: [Messen. Z 8] Messa Nativitatis Domini a 4 voci [m. Orch.] D dur Part. Dresda 1726. 1 Bd m. 28 St. 4to mit losen Blättern. Part. des Sanctus u. Agnus fehlt. Kath. Hofkirche Stimmen stehen gesondert


Autogr. score of Kyrie, Gloria and Credo for Missa Nativitatis Domini (Mus. 2358-D-20) held by SLUB; 28 parts missing from Dresden; the SLB card cat. noted the scores for the Sanctus and Agnus as missing (‘fehlt’).



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“ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4402.