ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.



ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.


ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745), [Messe] No 24. Credo, III/Z/12/2


Mus. 2358-D-30


ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.

Uniform Composer

ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 12; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 2 Cori. 4 voci con Stromenti’

Materials (1765)

Partitur; Parti

Title Partitura

Credo à 2 Cori

Uniform Title

Mass movements


Bound autogr. score. Blue-grey cover. Parts are missing.
Cover title (autogr.): Nro II | Credo à 2 Cori | obligati | Violini 2 | Viola e| Basso Conti |=nuo | di | Giovanni Disma | Zelenka
The inner back cover has a second title page (with date) of this Credo: Nro. II | Credo à 2 Cori | obligati | di Giovan Disma Zelenka | à Dresda | 1724. 2 Februa:
This score has signs of reworking which was undertaken in or after 1726. Additions are made to the parts for violins 1 and 2, “Senza Organo’ is obliterated (p. 19), and additional figuring is given throughout.
Kept with the score are two labels which correspond with the catalogues of 1765 and c1784.
1. Schranck No III | Lit: Z. 12. Fach 7. Lage | [no. 24 [?] Credo | à | 2. Cori] | à 4 voci | co’ VVni Viola ed Org. | Partitura e Parti | del Sigr. Zelenka. Incipit.
2. Schranck No. III | Z. 11. Fach 2. Lage | No: 24) Credo | à | 2 Cori | co’ VVni, Viola e Basso, | Partitura e parti cav. | del Sigr Zelencka | Incipit.
At the conclusion of the text of the Credo (‘Qui propter nos homines, et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis’) is this remark in Zelenka’s hand: NB: Symph [ink blot obliterates da?] Capo. That is, the opening Symphonia of 12 bars was to be repeated before the text: Et incarnatus est.
The Dresden Diarium Missionis entry of 2.2.1724 (Purification BVM) reported that Zelenka and the royal musicians added lustre to the sung mass. (‘Habui Cantatum, quod solennius cum Regiis Musicis fecit D. Zelenka’). See also Zelenka’s Gloria setting dated on this same day: III/Z/10/3.
See Zelenka-Dokumentation, 289, ZWV 32.
In the later, undated ‘Catalogo della Musica di Chiesa composta Da diversi Autori secondo l’Alfabetto Amaro IIIza’ score and parts are listed for [Messa:] No: 24) Credo (III/Z/12/7). The scoring is given as: ‘à 2 Cori | à 4 voci | co’ VVni. Oboi, Vla ed Org.’


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche.


V. 10 (1904), 337: Zelenka, Johann Dismas [...] In Dresde. kath. Kirche [...] 2 Credo

SLB Card Catalog

(Aut. 214) Mus. 2358-D-30 [!] <br />
Zelenka, Giovanni Disma: [Messensätze. Z 32]<br />
Credo a 2 cori a 4 voci [mit Orch.] F dur. Part. u. St. 1 Bd m. 23 St. 4to Mus.-Mscr. Part.-Orig. Ms. (Kyrie u. Gloria) Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert


Autogr. score of Credo à 2 Cori by Zelenka held by SLUB; 23 parts missing from Dresden


ZWV 32

Sort Order



“ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4290.