RISTORI, Giov. Alb.



RISTORI, Giov. Alb.


RISTORI, Alberto Giovanni (b Bologna 1692–d Dresden 1753), Duetti per la Quadragesima: No 1. Amor, ah Amor meus in duplo, II/R/28/4




RISTORI, Giov. Alb.

Uniform Composer

RISTORI, Alberto Giovanni (b Bologna 1692–d Dresden 1753)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 28; Lage 4



Scoring (1765)

‘a Soprano e Contralto col Basso una volia [sic], con Tiorba concertata [No. 2]’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Uniform Title

Versets (Quadragesima)


In the later (?) source containing ten of these duets which survives in Dresden as four part books (D-Dl, Mus. 2955-E-500: III/R/29/1), the setting of this text (Amor, ah amor meus, d minor) is listed as No. 8. The incipit, however, does not agree with the incipit given here. Mengelberg, under ‘Die übrigen Kirchenwerke’ (149) notes this listing as: Duetti per la Quadr[agesi]ma Soprano e Contralto col Organo. Nr. 1. Amor, al amor meus. a) D-Moll; b) D-Moll c. Tiorba concert. Dresd. Mus. (K. H.)*. Thus, two settings of this text, each in d minor, once existed, a likelihood confirmed by this listing as: No. 1. ‘Amor, ah Amor meus in duplo’.
Reports for 1736, 1738, 1740 in the Dresden Diarium Missionis almost certainly refer to performances in the Dresden Catholic court church of items from this collection of Duetti per la Quadragesima: 17.2.1736 [Friday before QUADRAGESIMAE]: Hora 4. ... cantus de Passione, unum duetto cum theorba;
23.2.1738 [Dominica I. in Quadragesima]: ... Sequitur cantus 2 virtuosorum cum theorba; 18.3.1740: P. Superior vocatus est ad anticameram Regis, ubi illi insinuatum est ((…)) futurum Te Deum etc. ob reconvalescentiam Principis Mariae Anna. ((Piprum)) promulgatum est post concionem quadragesimalem, quam finitam Rosarium non amplius oratur est, sed Motetum factum cantantibus 2 virtuosis cum Teorba. Ante concionem decantatae sunt Litaniae lauretanae, non Miserere. (The Father Superior was called to the King’s antechamber where it was indicated to him that there was to be a Te Deum for the convalescence of Princess Maria Anna. Instructions were given that after the Lenten sermon there is to be no saying of the Rosary but a Motet is to be performed by two virtuoso singers with tiorba. Before the sermon Litanies of Loreto are to be sung, but not the Miserere).
Zelenka listed ‘5 Duetti: pro Quadragesi. a C. e A: Ristori in his Inventarium (57).
See Gerhard Poppe’s Foreword to Giovanni Alberto Ristori: Divoti Affetti alla Passione di Nostro Signore.


V. 8 (1903), 250–51: Ristori, Giovanni Alberto [...]. 4 geistl. Gesänge?

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“RISTORI, Giov. Alb.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4076.