RISTORI, Giov. Alb.



RISTORI, Giov. Alb.


RISTORI, Alberto Giovanni (b Bologna 1692–d Dresden 1753), Te Deum laudamus: No 1, II/R/24/1




RISTORI, Giov. Alb.

Uniform Composer

RISTORI, Alberto Giovanni (b Bologna 1692–d Dresden 1753)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 24; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Vla Corni Tromb. e Timpani’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Uniform Title



Mengelberg; Die übrigen Kirchenwerke; Te Deum laudamus: Nr. 1. D-Dur. 4 voci c. strom. 1745. P. und St. Dresd. Mus. (K. H.)*.
Thus, Mengelberg found score and parts for this work in the Königl. Bibliothek zu Dresden. See II/R/17/1. Discussed by Mengelberg (with musical examples), pp. 114–22.
The Dresden Jesuit Diarium reports of 1721 (one possible; one certain) connect Ristori with musical performance[s] of the Te Deum in the Dresden Catholic court church.
12.6.1721 [In Festo Corporis Christi]: Solenne sacrum. Interfuit Rex toti Cantato, quod solenniter productum est a Domino Röstori Capellae Magistro praecedentibus Intradis. ... processiuncula per ecclesiam ... Te Deum ... solennis benedictio. ([Corpus Christi] Solemn Mass. The King was present for the whole Sung Mass which was solemnly performed by the Kapellmeister Ristori. It was preceded by intraden. A small procession in the church ... Te Deum ... Solemn Blessing).
26.10.1721 [Dominica XXII. post Pentecosten]: Horâ undecima in puncto ego ... intonavi Te Deum laudamus solenniter resplendentibus tubis. Ipsum musicale Te Deum Dominus Röstori produxit cum Regiis Musicis. Ad Salvum fac, solenniter data benedictio. (Sunday following the birth of the Saxon Prince Joseph: 11 o’clock on the dot I intoned the Te Deum laudamus to the accompaniment of trumpets. This musical Te Deum was composed by Ristori and played by the royal musicians. Solemn benediction was given at the Salvum fac.)


V. 8 (1903), 250–51: Ristori, Giovanni Alberto [...] In Dresd. kathol. Kirche [...] 3 Te Deum . . .

SLB Card Catalog


Score and parts for Te Deum laudamus Nr. 1 missing from Dresden.

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“RISTORI, Giov. Alb.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4038.