RISTORI, Giov. Alb.



RISTORI, Giov. Alb.


RISTORI, Alberto Giovanni (b Bologna 1692–d Dresden 1753), [Motetti] No 2. Pastorale per il S.S.Natale de N. S. O admirabile Myster., II/R/22/2




RISTORI, Giov. Alb.

Uniform Composer

RISTORI, Alberto Giovanni (b Bologna 1692–d Dresden 1753)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 22; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 2 Sopr. 2 Contralti co’ VVni Vla Bass Ob: Flauti’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Uniform Title

Motets (Pastorale)


Mengelberg; Motetten: Admirabile myster. 2 Sopr. e 2 Contralti c. strom. P. und St. Dresden 1748. Dresd. Mus. (K. H.)*
Thus, Mengelberg found this work in the Königl. Bibliothek zu Dresden. See II/R/17/1.
Concordance: A copy of this motet originating from the Cistercian monastery at Osek is kept in CZ-Pnm, (XXXII-C-223) as a set of 12 parts.
Cover title: Jhs| Mottetto Pastorale | a 4 Voci | 2 Soprani | 2 Contralti | 2 Violini | 2 Flauti | 2 Oboi | Con | Basso | di Sigl. Gio. Alberto Ristori | in Dresda 1748. | (Monogram).
The parts are for Canto primo; Canto 2do; Alto Primo; Alto 2do; Basso [instrumental to the solo Canto]; Violino Primo; Violino 2do; Alto Viola; Flauto 1mo; Flauto 2do; Oboe 1mo; Oboe 2da. Each part has the caption title: Pastorale (left) auth. Do. Ristori | 1748 (right).
The structure is recitative (Canto I solo: O admirabile mysterium); Pastorale (12/8: Ad cunas Jesu parvuli laetatus); Alleluia.
On the performance of this work within the Dresden court church see Gerhard Poppe: ‘Musik und Liturgie zur Heiligen Nacht in der Dresdner Hofkirche’.


V. 8 (1903), 250–51: Ristori, Giovanni Alberto [...] In Dresd. kathol. Kirche noch an lat. geistl. Gesängen f. Chor, Soli und Instr. — 8 Motetten. [...]

SLB Card Catalog


Score and parts for O admirabile Mysterium by Ristori missing from Dresden.

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“RISTORI, Giov. Alb.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4025.