


REUTTER, Georg von (i) (b Vienna 1656–d Vienna 1738) or (Johann Adam Joseph Karl) Georg von (ii) (b Vienna 1708–d Vienna 1772), Messe: No 1, II/R/16/10


Mus. 2979-D-8



Uniform Composer

REUTTER, Georg von (i) (b Vienna 1656–d Vienna 1738) or (Johann Adam Joseph Karl) Georg von (ii) (b Vienna 1708–d Vienna 1772)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 16; Lage 10



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Vla Basso e 2 Tromboni’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Missa Suscipe deprecationem nostram

Uniform Title



Score copy. Blue-grey cover. Parts are missing.
Cover title (hand of Zelenka): Cb (left); No. 1 (centre, not Zelenka); 19 | Missa Suscipe deprecationem nostrum | à 4 | C:A:T:B: | Violini 2 | Viole 2 | e | Basso Continuo. | Revisa | del S. Reiter | Organista di S: M: I: | e Catholica.
Caption title: Missa. Incipits of all movements given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 64, Nr. 202.
Although Zelenka’s hand is to be seen throughout the score, alterations are few. He added figures, dynamics, articulations, and signs of orchestration (Solo: T:)
NB: Alto and tenor violas are given but Zelenka scratched out the tenor viola doubling the altos and changed this to ‘Col Tenore’ (page 8).

Horn identifies the copyist of Mus. 2793-D-1 as ZS 2 (‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 165).
On the title page of this score (Mus. 2979-D-8) Zelenka’s remark (‘del S: Reiter. Organista de S: M: I: e Catolica’ – Organist of his His Imperial and Catholic Majesty) suggests that the work was composed pre-1712 when Reutter the Elder (i) was appointed Vice-Kapellmeister to the Viennese court. Wolfgang Horn (Hkm, 155) points out that during Zelenka’s sojourn in Vienna he had contact with Reutter the Elder, who provided him with the version of the four Masses by Palestrina copied into Liber III of Zelenka’s Collectaneorum Musicorum, Mus. 1-B-98 (see III/37/2).
1. CZ-Pak,1084. Listed under Johann Adam Karl Georg Reutter, but attributed to ‘D. Georgio Reütter [!]’. Štefan[1139] Sign. 1084), prov: Görbig and Novák.
2. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXV C 140. Kreuzherren collection attr. to ‘Georg Reutter’ (1725–49); RISM ID no. 550255004.
3. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXV D 152. Kreuzherren collection attr, to ‘S. Reutter’ (1810); RISM ID no. 550255415.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche



V. 8 (1903), 198–9: Eitner attributes the seven Masses listed in this Catalogo (1765) under ‘Del de Reitern’ to Georg Reutter (Reuter) II.

SLB Card Catalog

No card?


Score copy of Missa Suscipe deprecationem nostram attributed to Georg Reutter (i?) is held by SLUB (Mus. 2979-D-8); parts are missing from Dresden.

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“REITERN,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,