PERGOLESI, Giov[an]o Batt[ist]a


PERGOLESI, Giov[an]o Batt[ist]a


PERGOLESI, Giovanni Battista (b Iesi 1710–d Pozzuoli 1736), Stabat Mater, II/P/9/3


Mus. 3005-D-1a; Mus. 3005-D-1b


PERGOLESI, Giov[an]o Batt[ist]a

Uniform Composer

PERGOLESI, Giovanni Battista (b Iesi 1710–d Pozzuoli 1736)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 9; Lage 3



Scoring (1765)

‘a 2 voci; Sopr: e Contr: con stromenti’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Stabat mater

Uniform Title



Mus. 3005-D-1a: Bound score copy of Stabat Mater and four secular (?) arias with Italian texts – all in the same hand.
Label on cover: Pergolesi, Giov, Batt. | Stabat mater | a Canto e Alto con Strom.
Title page: No. 2 | Stabat | Mater | Violino 1 | Violino 2do | Canto | Alto | Viola | et | Basso | A D: Sigr Pergolesi.
Caption title: Stabat mater
A sheet of blue-grey wrapper is kept with this score with label to correspond with the Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. II. | Lit: P. 6. Fach 4. Lage | Stabat Mater | à 2 voci | Sopr. e Contr’alt. | 4 Arie Partitura sola | Partitura sola. Incipits: This sheet now is kept with Mus. 3005-D-1b.
Mus. 3005-D-1b: Bound manuscript score copy. An Italian copy. Scribe ‘Ristori B’.
Label on cover: Pergolesi (pencil). Caption title: J. M. J. No. 37. (RISM considers this number is likely to be in the hand of Peter August) | Stabat Mater Dolorosa | Del Sigr: Gio: B’tta Pergolese | à 2 Voci C e A con VVni. Scoring for CA soli, vn 1,2; va; bc.
NB: This source was probably acquired in Naples or Rome during the grand tour of Prince Friedrich Christian (between May 1738 and October 1739).
In Bacciagaluppi & Stockigt, ‘Italian Manuscripts of Sacred Music in Dresden’, 154, it is noted that copyist ‘Ristori B’ wrote the second acts of Ristori’s Temistocle and Porpora’s Semiramide riconosciuta, Leo’s Miserere (D-Dl, Mus. 2460-D-7a) and the Kyrie e Gloria in G major by Pergolesi (D-Dl, Mus. 2460-D-1), as well as Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater (D-Dl, Mus. 3005-D-1b). This work was listed in music catalogues of both Maria Antonia and Friedrich August III.
1. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXVI B 259. RISM ID no. 550282990
2. CZ-Pnm, XXXVIII B 100
3. The incipit given in this Catalogo (1765) agrees with a listing in the Osek Inventory, 1754, d’anno 1802, [fol. 88], No. 7 of Pro Quadragesima ante Benedictionem vespertinam et alias hocce tempore producibilia.
4. Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater was reworked circa 1745/1747 by Bach as Cantata BWV 1083, Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche (each score).



V. 7 (1902), 369: Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista [...] Das Archiv der kathol. Kirche in Dresden besitz in P. u. Stb. . . Stabat mat. 2 v. c. strom.

SLB Card Catalog

Mus. 3005-D-1a: Pergolesi, Giov. Batt.: [Paymer Nr. 77] Stabat Mater. Violino 1mo Violino 2do Canto Alto Viola et Basso. Part. 1 Bd. 4o. Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche [18.Jh: kein Hofkopist] Mus. 3005-D-1b: Pergolesi, Giov. Batt.: [Paymer Nr. 77] Stabat Mater Dolorosa. A due voci, canto ed alto con violini, viola e basso f-moll [dorisch] Part. 1 Bd quer-4to. Orig. Mus.-Mscr [Kopie! Italien 1. H. des 18. Jhs.] Kath. Hofkirche


At least two scores of Stabat Mater (each stamped Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche) by Pergolesi held by SLUB (Mus. 3005-D-1a; Mus. 3005-D-1b).


Paymer 77

Sort Order



“PERGOLESI, Giov[an]o Batt[ist]a,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,