


BRENTNER, Jan Josef Ignáz (b Dobřany 1689–d Dobřany 1742), 12 [13] Litaniae Laurentanae, II/P/14/1


Mus. 2876-D-1



Uniform Composer

BRENTNER, Jan Josef Ignáz (b Dobřany 1689–d Dobřany 1742)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 14; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ stromti 7 libri’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

12 [sic] Litaniae Lauretaae

Uniform Title



Set of seven bound part books in manuscript, each containing 13 (not 12) settings of the Litany of Loreto. A label kept with the scores corresponds with the Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. II. | Lit. P. 10. Fach 4. Lage |12 Litaniae Lauretanae | à 4 voc | co’ VVni Viola ed Org. | 7 libri | Parti cav. senza Partitura | del Sigr Prentner. | Incipit.
Cover title (presumed to be the hand of Jungwirth): Litaniae Lauretanae | [name of voice or instrument given here] | (Joseph Prentner) added in ink.
This set of seven bound part books was presented in 1728 by Fr. Johannes Jungwirth* to his successor as Director of the Kapellknaben of the Dresden Hofkirche: Fr Johannes Frantze, who arrived from the Jesuit seminary of Olomouc where he had been the music prefect (‘praefecto musicorum’). He remained in Dresden until 1729. On 21.2.1729 the Dresden Diarium Missionis reported the departure for Gitzinium of Fr Frantze, who then moved to the Clementinum College Prague into the position of ‘Praefecto maior et musicorum’.
The seven part books are for: Organ; Violino IIo; Violino Imo; Basso (vocal); Tenore; Alto; Canto.
Title page of the Canto book has a dedication in the hand of Joannes Jungwirth: Litaniae | LAURETANAE | Gloriosissimae | ac | Totius Urbis, & Orbis Thaumaturgae | FLORENTINAE VIRGINI | ab Angelo Salutatae | D(ae) D(ae) D(ae) | ab | Authore Josepho Prentner. | proVsV | JoannaeI sVCCessorIs sVI DIgnIssIMI | ReVerenDI In ChrIsto P. IoannIs Frantze è soCIe-| tate IESV, DresDae eXaratae | à P. Ioanne IVngVIrth per annos proprè VIgIntI | MVsICae DIreCtore. (Lauretanian Litanies to the Most Glorious and, throughout the city and the world, miraculous Florentine Virgin, greeted by the Angel. Given, presented and dedicated by the author to Josepho Prentner for the use of the Most Worthy successor and Reverend Father in Christ, Johannes Frantze of the Society of Jesus. Notated in Dresden by Father Johannes Jungwirth, Director of Music for nearly twenty years].
The year of the dedication is given in three chronograms. On these settings see Stockigt, ‘Hinweise auf die Originalaufführungen von Zelenkas Vesperpsalmen’, Zelenka-Studien II, 101–43, esp. 125–6.
*Johannes Jungwirth is listed as being eligible for burial in Dresden’s Catholic cemetery in 1726 (titled ‘Praefectus Chori’); 1727 (titled ‘Praefectus Musicae’); 1728 (titled ‘Musicus’), and in lists dated 10.4.1728 and 24.1.1729 he is listed with the Jesuit fathers of the Dresden Hofkirche. See Ágústsson and Stockigt in ‘Records of Catholic Musicians, Actors, and Dancers at the Court of Augustus II, 1723–1732: The establishment of the Catholic cemetery in Dresden’, Appendices.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 8 (1903), 57–8: Prentner [...] Von einem Prentner in Dresden kath. Kirche: Litaniae lauret. 4 voc. c. instr. Ms. P. u. Stb.

SLB Card Catalog

Prentner, Joseph. Litaniae Lauretanae [a 4 voci con due VVni e Organo]. B-dur; C. St. 7 Bde. 4to. Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche.


Seven part books for 13 Litaniae Lauretanae by Jan Josef Ignáz Prentner held by SLUB (Mus. 2876-D-1).

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“PRENTNER,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,