PORTA, Giovanni (b Venice c1675 – d Munich 1755), Confitebor, II/P/11/12
Mus. 2444-D-3
Uniform Composer
PORTA, Giovanni (b Venice c1675 – d Munich 1755)
Title (Catalogo)
Location (1765)
Schranck II; Fach 11; Lage 12
Scoring (1765)
‘a 2 voci Sopr. e Contr. con stromti’
Materials (1765)
Title Partitura
Confitebor tibi Domine
Uniform Title
Psalms (ps. 110)
RISM Links
Bound score copy. Venetian source. Tre lunae watermark [?].
Cover title (partly in Zelenkas hand): N. 7 [upper right]| M. (not Zelenka) | Confitebor del Porta (not Zelenka)| a 2 | Sop: e Contralto | VV 2 | Viola | Oboe Concertata | e Basso Continuo.
Caption title to left of the opening staves: Confitebor à 2. | con V. V. | Del Sigl Giovan[n]i Porta.
Scored for S; A; vn. 1; vn. 2; va.; b.c. (without oboes)..
NB: Although there are no signs that Zelenka reworked this score, a set of parts to accompany this work is listed as the sixth of seven Confitebor settings in this Catalogo under MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL’AUTORE. See III/31/8.
Incipit given in Zekenka-Dokumentation, 62, Nr. 190a.
See Stockigt, ‘The Vespers Psalms of Jan Dismas Zelenka’, App. 2, ‘Further Psalm Settings held by Zelenka.’
Cover title (partly in Zelenkas hand): N. 7 [upper right]| M. (not Zelenka) | Confitebor del Porta (not Zelenka)| a 2 | Sop: e Contralto | VV 2 | Viola | Oboe Concertata | e Basso Continuo.
Caption title to left of the opening staves: Confitebor à 2. | con V. V. | Del Sigl Giovan[n]i Porta.
Scored for S; A; vn. 1; vn. 2; va.; b.c. (without oboes)..
NB: Although there are no signs that Zelenka reworked this score, a set of parts to accompany this work is listed as the sixth of seven Confitebor settings in this Catalogo under MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL’AUTORE. See III/31/8.
Incipit given in Zekenka-Dokumentation, 62, Nr. 190a.
See Stockigt, ‘The Vespers Psalms of Jan Dismas Zelenka’, App. 2, ‘Further Psalm Settings held by Zelenka.’
Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche.
SLB Card Catalog
Porta, Giovanni: Confitebor . . . in consilio. [ Ps. 110]. A due voci, soprano e contralto, violini, viola, oboi, e basso continuo. F-Dur. Part. u. St. [!] 1 Bd. quer -4to. Orig.-Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche
Score of Confitebor tibi Domine by Giovanni Porta held by SLUB (Mus. 2444-D-3); parts, now missing (prov. Zelenka?), are listed in this catalogue under MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL’AUTORE, III-31-8.
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“PORTA,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed January 7, 2025, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3898.