NEGRI, Luigi


NEGRI, Luigi


NEGRI, Luigi (b 1718 Bologna), Kyrie e Gloria, II/N/6/1


Mus. 3846-D-1,1; Mus. 3846-D-1,2


NEGRI, Luigi

Uniform Composer

NEGRI, Luigi (b 1718 Bologna)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 6; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola Corni Trombe e Timp.’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Kyrie e Gloria

Uniform Title



Mus. 3846-D-1,1: Unbound score copy.
Title page: Messa à 4 | Conc: ta Con Stromti e B. B. [?] | di | Luigi Negri.
Reworkings in Ristori’s hand include the addition of pairs of oboes, trumpets, and horns. Similar additions are also seen in the score of the Magnificat setting by Luigi Negri (Mus. 3846-D-3,1: II/N/6/4).
Mus. 3846-D-1,2: Set of 35 parts (13 vocal; 22 instrumental). Two covers/wrappers. Hand of Ristori is seen here?
Catalogue label on outer blue-grey wrapper corresponds with the entry in the missing Catalogo [c1784]: Lit: N. Schranck No. II. | 4. Fach 1. Lage | Kyrie e Gloria | a 4. voci | co’ VVni Viola Corni, Trombe, Timpani ed Org. | Partitura e parti | del Sig.r Luigi Negri |Incipit.
Among surviving performance parts from this era, these parts provide a rare example of performance materials for solo voices being separate from the usual choral parts that include the solo vocal passages as well. The solo vocal parts (they might replace an earlier set) do not include choruses. Parts for brass and timpani are in a different hand.
Parts (13 vocal; 22 instrumental): Canto solo (only the solo movements Christe eleison and Laudamus te are given); Alto solo (only the solo movements Christe and Dominus Deus are given); Tenore solo (only the solo movement Dominus Deus is given) ; Basso solo (only the solo movements Christe eleison and Dominus Deus are given) ; Canto; Alto; Tenore; Basso; Canto Rip[ien]o; Contr’alto Ripo; Tenore Ripo; Basso Ripo; Basso Ripo; Violino Primo; Violino Primo; Violino Primo; Violino Secondo; Violino Secondo; Violino Secondo; Viola; Viola; Violoncello Cont.nuo; Violoncello Rip.; Violoncello Rip.o | Contrabasso; Tiorba [figured]; Organo [figured]; Oboe Primo; Oboe secondo ; Fagotto; Fagotto; Corno di Caccia Po; Corno di Caccia 2o; Tromba; 1a; Tromba 2a; Timpani.
I am very grateful to Bruno Musumeci who advises that a copy of this work is held in the Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale di Bologna.


[Mus. 3846-D-1,1] Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche; [-D-1,2] Sächs. Landes- Bibl.



V. 7 (1902), 167: Negri, Luigi, aus Bologna, lebte in der Mitte des 18. Jhs. und war ein Schüler Martini's. Aus jener Zeit mag auch der Band geistliche mehrstim. Kompositionen her rühren, der sich im Besitze des Liceo mus. zu Bologna befindet und 21 Gesge.für Chor und Instrum. enthält. Von einem Negri in Dresd. kath. Kircheim Ms. P. u. Stb: 3 Motett. für Chor undkleines Orch


Score and 35 parts for a Kyrie e Gloria setting attr. in the Catalogo (1765) to Luigi Negri (Mus. 3846-D-1,1-2) held by SLUB.

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“NEGRI, Luigi,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024,