LEO, Leonardo



LEO, Leonardo


LEO, Leonardo (b San Vito degli Schiavoni [San Vito dei Normanni] 1694–d Naples 1744), Messa : Kyrie e Gloria, II/L/1/1


[Mus. 2460-D-1]


LEO, Leonardo

Uniform Composer

LEO, Leonardo (b San Vito degli Schiavoni [San Vito dei Normanni] 1694–d Naples 1744)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 1; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 5 voci co’ VVni Viola Basso Oboe e Corni’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Messa à 5 [Kyrie and Gloria]

Uniform Title



Bound score copy of Kyrie and Gloria. Italian copy in hand of ‘Ristori B’.
Title page: Messa à 5. Voci e Rip[ie]ni | con Violini, Oboè, Corni da Caccia [?] | Del Sigl D. Leonardo Leo.
Conclusion of score: L D B M V. This mass with five-part vocal writing is almost certainly the item listed among three Neapolitan masses (Feo, Leo, and Sarro) in the incomplete catalogue of Maria Josepha’s music collection (D-Dl, Bibl.-Arch. III Hb 787c), an inventory dated c1743. See Ágústsson, ‘The Secular Vocal Collection of Jan Dismas Zelenka’, 33).
It is likely that this example (Mus. 2460-D-1) was among scores received as gifts or else purchased in Naples or Rome during the grand tour of Saxon Prince Friedrich Christian (May 1738–October 1739). See Bacciagaluppi & Stockigt, ‘Italian Manuscripts of Sacred Music in Dresden’, 154, where it is noted that the copyist ‘Ristori B’ copied the second acts of Ristori’s Temistocle and Porpora’s Semiramide riconosciuta, as well as Leo’s Miserere (D-Dl, Mus. 2460-D-7a), this Kyrie and Gloria in G Major (D-Dl, Mus. 2460-D-1), and Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater (D-Dl, Mus. 3005-D-1b).
According to Eitner (see below), in addition to this score copy kept in the royal library, a score with parts was held by the Catholic court church.


No stamps.


A 207a


V. 6 (1902),135: Leo, Leonardo [...] In Dresd. Mus. Ms. 207a. Messa à 5 voc. e rip. con. V. Ob. Corni di Caccia etc. P. [...] Im Archiv der kathol. Kirche zu Dresden, Schrank 2 in P. u. Stb. Hds: Kyrie Gloria 5 v. c. orch.

SLB Card Catalog

Mus. 2460-D-1: Leo, Leonardo. Messa a 5 voci e rip. con Viol., Ob., Corni da Caccia etc. qu.-4to. Mus.-Mscr. Mus. 2460-D-2: Leo, Leon.; Kyrie e Missa a piu voci con strom. G dur. Part 4to Mus. Mscr.


One score of Kyrie e Gloria, and Kyrie by Leo kept at SLUB (Mus. 2460-D-1; -D-2), one example listed by Eitner (Schrank 2) listed in this Catalogo (1765) missing from Dresden?


Krause A1.5B

Sort Order



“LEO, Leonardo,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3843.