GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


HASSE, Johann Adolph, [Motetti: Partiture sole] No 9. Quae Columna, I/G/18/9


Mus. 2973-E-15


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello

Uniform Composer

HASSE, Johann Adolph

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 18; Lage 9



Scoring (1765)

‘a Sopr. S. co’ VVni, Vla e Basso’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Quae columna

Uniform Title



Score copy. Blue-grey cover.
Cover label (it covers an earlier label) to correspond with the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. I. | Lit G. 22. Fach 20. (pasted over another number) Lage | Motetto | No: 9) Quae Columnae | à Soprano Solo | Co’ VVni Viola ed Org. | Partitura sola | del Sigr Galuppi | Incipit (bar 1, vn. 1, score).
Title page (hand of Baldan): Mottetto | In Soprano | A’ Voce Sola con Strumti | del Sigl. Baldassar Galuppi, d[ett]o Buranello. Scoring: vn. 1,2; va;. S solo; b.c. (unfigured).
Another version/copy of this work for Soprano solo (attributed to Galuppi) is also held in the collection of the Dresden Hofkirche (see I/G/8/4); score only. Each is in C. Johann Adolf Hasse set the text ‘Quae columna luminosa’ for Soprano and instruments. Its incipit agrees with the incipit given here for Galuppi. See Hansell, ‘The Solo Cantatas, Motets, and Antiphons of Johann Adolf Hasse’, Pt. 2, App. B: Thematic Catalogue of the Solo Vocal Works of Johann Adolf Hasse, No. 101. Also App. A, 424, where footnote 39 states: A musical setting of the motet text in SächsLb (2973/E/15) attributes the music to Galuppi. However, this motet is assigned to Hasse in Paris BN (Ms. 2093), an autograph score, and in Washington LC. Composed by Johann Adolph Hasse.
See also Burde, Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi, Werkverzeichnis B, Fehlzuschreibung, 288–9. See also Stockigt, Italian Sacred Music (2018), 227–230, and the comments under the Remarks of I/G/15/2.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 4 (1901), 139: Galuppi, Baldassare, il (oder detto) Buranello [...] 32 Motetten. [...] [Dresden kathol. Kirche.

SLB Card Catalog

Galuppi, Baldassare: Motetto. Quae Columna [a Soprano Solo con Strom.] C-dur. C o. J. 1 Bd. quer-8vo. [vergl. 2973-E-16] Mus. -Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche.


Score copy of Quae columna falsely attr. to Galuppi (Mus. 2973-E-15) held by SLUB.


Burde: False attribution

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“GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,