GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldassare (b Burano nr Venice 1706–d Venice 1785), [Messe per li Defonti] No 3. Requiem, Dies irae, I/G/18/23


Mus. 2973-D-23,1 (Mus. 2973-D-23,2)


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello

Uniform Composer

GALUPPI, Baldassare (b Burano nr Venice 1706–d Venice 1785)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 18; Lage 23



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni, Vla, Oboè, Corni e Trombe’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Messa Da Morto

Uniform Title



Mus. 2973-D-23,1: Score copy. Blue-grey cover. Parts missing from Dresden.
Cover label (it covers an earlier label) corresponds with the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. I. | Lit G. 23. Fach 3 (original; the paste over has become dislodged) Lage | Messa | No: 3) per li Defonti | à 4 Voci | co’ VVni. Oboi, Viola, Trombe | ed Org. | Partitura sola | del Sigr Galuppi | Incipit (damaged).
Title page (and reverse; the original is missing; these two pages are a Dresden copy): Messa | Da Morto Concertata a 4 Voci | Con. Strumenti | Del Sig. Baldassar Galuppi, d[ett]o Buranello. | Requiem ae: The remainder of the score is from the copying house of Iseppo Baldan.
See Burde, Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi, Werkverzeichnis B, I/52a, 100–03.
Mus. 2973-D-23,2: Bound score copy.
Cover label: Requiem di Galuppi. Fly leaf: ‘Koenigl. Familie’ (pencil, upper right).
Title page: Galuppi | Messa de requiem | a 4 Voci | con Violini, Viole, Oboè, Flauti, | Corni da caccia,. Trome | ed | Organo. Red crayon marks and pencilling marks throughout the score suggest a 19th century performance.
A page of manuscript kept inside the back cover has modern notation of the the chants Te Decet hymnus, and Lux aeterna.
See Burde, Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi, Werkverzeichnis B, I/52b (revised version for Dresden), 103–06. See also Stockigt, Italian Sacred Music (2018), 227–230, and the comments under the Remarks of I/G/15/2.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche. Both scores


V. 4 (1901), 139: Galuppi, Baldassare, il (oder detto) Buranello [...] 5 Requiem [...] [Dresden kathol. Kirche.

SLB Card Catalog

Two cards. Mus 2973-D-23,1 (Part.); b) Mus 2973-D-23a (St.) Galuppi, [Baldassare]: Messa de Requiem a 4 con violini, viole, oboe, flauti, corni di caccia, trombe ed organo. Part u. St. F-dur. Mus. -Mscr. 1 Bd, 12 St. qu-8vo u. 4to . Mus. -Mscr.Mus 2973-D-23,2 Galuppi, [Baldassare]: [Requiem] Messa da morte concertata a 4 con strumenti. F-dur. Part. Mus. -Mscr. qu-8vo


Score copy of Messe per li Defonti No 3 by Galuppi (Mus. 2973-D-23,1) held by SLUB; 12 parts missing from Dresden.


Burde: I/52a

Sort Order



“GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,