GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldassare (b Burano nr Venice 1706–d Venice 1785), [Messe, Partiture sole] No 5. Kyrie, Gloria e Credo, I/G/17/5


Mus. 2973-D-5 (Kyrie); -D-12 (Gloria & Credo)


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello

Uniform Composer

GALUPPI, Baldassare (b Burano nr Venice 1706–d Venice 1785)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 17; Lage 5



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci conc: co’ VVni, Viola, Basso, Corni, Trombe e Timpani’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Kyrie Gloria Credo

Uniform Title



Mus. 2973-D-5 (Kyrie): Score copy of a Kyrie setting. Blue-grey cover.
Cover label from 1765 with alteration to correspond with the entry in the missing Catalogo of c1784: Schranck No: I. | Lit: G 21. Fach 6 (pasted over another number) Lage | No: 14) Kyrie Gloria | Credo | à 4 voci | co’ VVni. Viola, Ob.; Corni, Trombe | Timp: ed Org. | Partitura sola | del Sigr Galuppi | Incipit. Title page (hand of Baldan): Messa | Concertata a Quattro Voci | Con tutti lì Strumenti | Del Sigl. Baldassar Galuppi, detto Buranello.
This score comprises Kyrie–Christe–Kyrie sections only.
Scored for vn. 1,2; va.; ‘Corni’ (two staves, without key signatures); Canti; Alti; Tenori; Bassi; b.c. (figured).
Mus. 2973-D-12 (Gloria; Credo).
Score copy. Blue-grey cover.
Cover label: No: 5 | Gloria et Credo. | alla | Messa di Buranello | Segnato con | A. (The number ‘5’ on the cover of this source places the work with Mus. 2973-D-5).
Caption title: Gloria.
The scoring layout of Mus. 2973-D-12 (in D) is vn. 1,2; ob. 1,2; Trombe 1,2 (alto clef in C); Corni (alto clef in C); va.; Canto do Concerto; Alto di Concerto; Soprani; Alti; Tenori; Bassi; Timpani. The figured bass line is marked ‘Organo, Contrabassi, e Violoncelli.’
See Burde, Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi, Werkverzeichnis B, I/20 Kyrie 51–2; I/11 Gloria and Credo, 41–3. Also Stockigt, Italian Sacred Music (2018), 227–230, and the comments under Remarks of I/G/15/2.


Sachs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum Kath. Hofkirche


V. 4 (1901), 139: Galuppi, Baldassare, il (oder detto) Buranello [...] 19 Messen und Messenteile f. Chor. u. Instr. [...] [Dresden kathol. Kirche

SLB Card Catalog

Mus. 2973-D-5 (Kyrie): Galuppi, Baldassare: Messe Concertata [a 4 con Strom.] G dur. C [nur Kyrie] Part. o. J. 1 Bd. qu. 8vo. Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche. Mus. 2973-D-12 (Gloria et Credo): Galuppi, Baldassare: [Messensätze] Gloria et Credo alla amessa segnata con A [a 6 con Strom.] D dur. Part. o. J. 1 Bd. 4to. Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche.


Score copy of Kyrie (Mus. 2973-D-5), Gloria e Credo by Galuppi (Mus. 2973-D-12) held by SLUB.


-D-5. Burde: I/20; -D-12. Burde: I/11

Sort Order



“GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed September 2, 2024,