GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GASSMANN, Florian Leopold (Burde), [Messe] No 5. Messa, I/G/16/2


Mus. 2973-D-10


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello

Uniform Composer

GASSMANN, Florian Leopold (Burde)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 16; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 3 voci conc: co’ VVni, Vla, Flti, Corni e B’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Messa ex D dur

Uniform Title



Score copy. Blue-grey cover. Parts missing from Dresden.
One cover label : No: 5 (left) | Messa ex D dur | à| 3 Voci | 2) Tenori. 1. Basso | 2) Violini. 2 Corni | 2) Oboe. 2 Flauti non Oblig. | Violetta: | et | Organo | dell’ Sigl Baldessar: Galuppi detto | Burnanello. No incipit.
Title page of the Kyrie (not Baldan’s hand): Messa | Del Sigl | Baldassar Galuppi | D[ett]o Buranello. Incipit.
Title page Sanctus (hand of Baldan): Originale (upper left) | Aggiunta della Messa | In suono di Delasolrè. | à trè Voci. Kyrie I has six treble un-named instrumental staves ( vn. 1,2?; ob. 1,2?; ‘Corni’ 1,2?), with vocal requirements of TTB, and an instrumental bass line, plus b.c. [(figured). The scoring for the Sanctus, however, includes ‘Trombe’ and the vocal requirements are for alto, tenor, and bass. At the conclusion of the Agnus is written: ‘Dona nobis/ ut Kyrie fuga’ (ie. Kyrie II]).
Composed by Florian Leopold Gassmann. See Burde, Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi, Werkverzeichnis B, Identifizierte Fehlzuschreibungen, 281–4. Also Stockigt, Italian Sacred Music (2018), 227–230, and the comments under Remarks of I/G/15/2.


Sachs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 4 (1901), 139: Galuppi, Baldassare, il (oder detto) Buranello [...] 19 Messen und Messenteile f. Chor. u. Instr. [...] [Dresden kathol. Kirche.

SLB Card Catalog

Galuppi, Baldassare: Messa [a 4 con Strom.] D Dur. C. Part. o. J. 1 Bd + 22 St. O qu. 8vo Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert.


Score copy of Messe No. 5 (Mus. 2973-D-10), falsely attr. to Galuppi by Baldan, held by SLUB; 22 parts to accompany the score missing from Dresden.


False attribution (Burde)

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“GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,