



FUX, Johann Joseph (b Hirtenfeld [Styria] 1660–d Vienna 1741), Messe: No 1. Primitiva, I/F/14/8


Mus. 2130-D-2



Uniform Composer

FUX, Johann Joseph (b Hirtenfeld [Styria] 1660–d Vienna 1741)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 14; Lage 8



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni, Vla, 4 Trombe e Timp.’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Missa Primitiva

Uniform Title



Score copy in the hand of Philipp Troyer. Blue-grey wrapper. Parts are missing from Dresden.
Wrapper title (hand of Zelenka): Nro 1 | Missa Primitiva | a 4 | C: A: T: B: | VV 2 Viole 2. ad libi. | Tromba 4 Con: e Tymp: | del S: Giosep: | Fux. Maestro | di Capella de S: M: | Imp: e Catholica.
Caption title: Del Sigr Fux (Zelenka’s hand. He wrote the scoring: Tromba 1; Trom. 2; Tromba 3; Tromba 4; Timpano above the staves for these instruments).
Kept with the score is a catalogo label to correspond to the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No: 1 | Lit F. 18. Fach 2. Lage | No: 1.) Messa primitiva | à 4 voci | co’ VVni Viola, 4. Trombe | Timpani ed Org. | Partitura e parti | del Sigr. Fux | Incipit.
Zelenka added several indications of tempo to this score.
This mass was not among the mass repertoire of the Imperial chapels of Vienna See Riedel, Kirchenmusik am Hofe Karls VI, 174, and n. 7.
1. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXVI A 77. Set of 12 parts for CATB conc; vn. 1,2; clno. 1,2; tr. 1,2; timp; org. This material came into the collection during the third quarter of the 18th century. (NB: The incipit of the Gloria does not agree with XXXVI A 80, nor with the Dresden source (Mus. 2130-D-2). RISM ID no. 550282605
2. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXVI A 80. Set of 15 parts for CATB conc; vn. 1,2 x 2; clno. 1,2; tpt. 1,2; timp.; 2 org. Provenance Chr. Gayer. Pre-1734. The title information given is: Missa Primitiva | a 4. Voci Conc; | 2 violini | 2 Clarini | 2 Trombe | Tinpano [sic] et Organo. | Del Sigre Fux Maestro di Capella | di S M: Caesarea/ Sumptibus Ch: Gayer. All incipits agree with the Dresden source (Mus. 2130-D-2). RISM ID no. 550282608.


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


A 114


V. 4 (1901), 108: Fux, Johann Joseph [...] Mss. der Kgl. Musikalien Samlg. in Dresden [...] Missa primitiva à 4, 2 V. 2 Viole ad lib. 4 Trombe concert. Timp. Ms. A 114 P.

SLB Card Catalog

Fux, Johann Joseph [Messen K. 26] Nro Imo: | Missa Primitiva | a 4: | C: A: T: B: | VV: 2 VViole 2 ad libi| Trombe 4 Con: e Tymp:| Del S: Giosep: Fux. Maestro | di Capella di S: M: Imp: e Catholica. C dur (mit 4 tr. nicht trb!). Mss 1 Drittel d. 18. Jh. Wiener Kopie m. Zusätzen v. d. Hand Zelenkas. Partitur. 52 S., 1 Bl. (24x31 cm). S. 1/ 2 u. Schlußblatt - blaues Umschlagpapier. Von Zelenka stammen der Hauptitel u. dynamische Satzbezeichnungen; S. 3 oben r., v. d. Hand des Kopisten ‘Del Sig: Fux’. Von einem ehemaligen Kapellarchiv Umschlag ist nur des Titel-etikett erhalten, die Stimmen sind Kreigverlust. Vormals: Mus. c. A 114


Score copy of Missa Primitiva by Fux (Mus. 2130-D-2) held by SLUB; unknown number of parts to accompany the score missing from Dresden.


K. 26

Sort Order



“FUX,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3665.