CALDARA, Ant[oni]o


CALDARA, Ant[oni]o


CALDARA, Antonio (b Venice c1671–d Vienna 1736), Messe No 1, I/C/6/1


Mus. 2170-D-4


CALDARA, Ant[oni]o

Uniform Composer

CALDARA, Antonio (b Venice c1671–d Vienna 1736)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 6; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci coVVni Viola Trombone e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura, Parti

Title Partitura

Missa Matris Dolorosae

Uniform Title



Bound score copy of a Missa tota. Parts are missing from Dresden.
Title on outer cover: No. 1: Missa di Caldara (pencil).
Inner wrapper (blue-grey paper): Storage Catalogue information in hand of Schürer written in the upper left which relates to the Catalogo (1765): H or 11? (in Zelenka’s hand?): Schranck No I. | C 6. Fach 1. Lage. | No 1.) Messa à 4 voc: | co’ VVni Viola ed Organo | Tromboni | Partitura e parti cav:
Cover title (Zelenka’s hand): Nro 34 (upper right) | Missa Matris | Dolorosae | à 4 | C: A: T: B: | Violini 2 | Viole o’ Tromboni 2 | Violoncello concertati | e | Basso Contin: | del S: Caldara.
Scoring indications (p. 3): Violino 1 e Oboe 1; Violino 2 (e) Oboe 2; Alto Tromb; Ten[ore] Tromb; Canto; Alto; Tenore; Basso; Violoncello è Fagotto concertato; Organo.
Incipits given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 51–2, Nr. 69.
Copy in the hand of ZS 0 (Horn, Die wichtigsten Schreiber, 172), with instructions (for copyist of parts?) in Zelenka’s hand.
On Caldara sources held by SLUB see Horn (Hkm, 160–66). He gives the date of entry of this mass into Zelenka’s Inventarium as c1729 (Hkm, 151).
1. CZ-Pak, 201. Štefan ([211] Sign. 201), prov. Görbig; Novák. RISM ID no. 550267242;
2. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXVI A 24. Music collection of the Kreuzherren Prague. Nine parts from the third quarter of the 18th c. RISM ID no. 550282581,and XXXV D 180 ms Gayer (pre-1734).


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


A 41


V. 2 (1900), 274: Caldara, Antonio [...] Ms. Bibl. Dresd. Musikal: Ms. A 41. Missa Matri dolorosa à 4 v. c. strom. Hmoll P. von Zelenkas Hand.

SLB Card Catalog

Two cards: Mus. 2170 -D-4: Caldara, Antonio: Messa. A 4 voci con violini, oboi, viola, tromboni ed organo. H-moll. Part. u. St. 1 Bd m. 33 st. Mus.-Mscr. 4to. Stimmen stehen gesondert. Kath. Hofkirche.Mus. 2170 -D-4: Caldara, Antonio: Missa Matris? dolorosae à 4 + 2 Viol., 2 Viole e Tromb., Vcello conc. e B.c. [Tit. u. bassbeziff. v. Zelenka’s hand] Hmoll Mus.-Mscr. Part. 4to.


Score copy of Missa Matris Dolorosae by Caldara (Mus. 2170-D-4) held by SLUB; 33 parts to accompany the score missing from Dresden.

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“CALDARA, Ant[oni]o,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed September 1, 2024,