COZZI († c.1658)


COZZI († c.1658)


?Negri, Antonio, Salmo: Beatus vir, I/C/10/2


Mus. 1487-E-1


COZZI († c.1658)

Uniform Composer

?Negri, Antonio

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 10; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Beatus vir

Uniform Title

Psalms (ps. 111)


Score copy. Blue-grey cover.
Cover title (hand of Zelenka): No 7 (upper right) | Beatus vir | à | C: A: T: B: | Violini unisoni conc. | Viola conc: | con | Organo | del Sigl: Cozzi | a (lower left). ‘copi:’ and margin note ‘Cop:’ appear with this entry in Zelenka’s Inventarium. He also wrote ‘long:’ in the column in which the tonality is specified.
Zelenka’s alterations to the score are minimal. The Dresden source has a viola part, but there are no orchestration instructions to imply the addition of oboes. One marking of ‘Solo’ and the tempo indication ‘Andante’ are possibly in the hand of Zelenka.
According to Eitner, two score copies were held in Dresden.
The attribution of this setting to Carlo Cozzi, who flourished until the mid 17th century, is almost certainly faulty. (Note the musical attributes of the incipit). On stylistic grounds Horn (Hkm, 132) also questions whether this setting is by a composer of earlier times whose only known published compositions demonstrate the conservative double-choir idiom.
An example of a Beatus vir setting attributed to Cozzi exists in Prague: CZ-Pak, 296. Štefan ([309] Sign. 296), prov. Sehling. However, the incipit provided by Štefan does not agree with the incipit in this Catalogo (1765). Instead, it agrees with a Beatus vir setting attributed to Antonio Negri, father of contralto Maria Catterina Negri. (Antonio accompanied his daughter to Prague in the 1720s when she was employed to sing in Count Sporck’s operatic venture). Antonio Negri’s Beatus vir was included in Zelenka’s collection and entered into this Catalogo (1765). See II/N/6/2 (Mus. 2883-D-2). RISM ID no. 550269659.
On this setting see Stockigt, ‘The Vespers Psalms of Jan Dismas Zelenka’, App. 2, No. 7.
Incipit given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 54, Nr. 86. Horn (Die wichtigsten Schreiber, 164) identifies the copyist of Mus. 1487-E-1 as ZS O.


Sächs. Landes-Bibl.


A 70 [Eitner]


V.3 (1900), 91: Cozzi, Carlo [...] In Bibl. Dresd. Mus. Ms. A 70 ein Beatus vir 4 voc. cum instrum. in P. (auch in Dresd. kath. Kirche.)

SLB Card Catalog

Cozzi, [Carlo]: Beatus vir [à 4 voci con strom.] [Ps. 112]. Part. quer-4to . Mus.-Mscr.


Score copy of Beatus vir attributed to Cozzi (Mus. 1487-E-1) held by SLUB.

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“COZZI († c.1658),” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,