BIONI, Antonio


BIONI, Antonio


PICHLER, Johann Melchior, Messa, I/B/3/9


Mus. 2498-D-1


BIONI, Antonio

Uniform Composer

PICHLER, Johann Melchior

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 3; Lage 9



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Ob. Vla e Basso’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Missa à 4

Uniform Title



Bound score copy. Blue-grey wrapper/cover with later hard binding.
Cover label corresponds with the entry in the missing Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No: I. | Lit: B. 3. Fach 8. Lage. | Messa | à 4. voci | co’ VVni Oboi, Viola ed Org.| Partitura sola | del Sigr. Bioni. Incipit.
Title page (Zelenka’s hand): D# (upper left) No. 55 (upper right) | Missa à 4 | Bioni.
There is little indication of Zelenka’s revision to this score, despite staves being made available for the addition of oboes and violas. The lack of parts in 1765 suggests that this mass was not performed in Dresden’s Catholic court church. (Eitner’s listing, however, hints that parts once were available).
Perhaps this is the mass listed in Zelenka’s Inventarium as Nr. 39: Missa Delicta juventutis meae by Bioni. There, this listing was accompanied by the letter ‘O’ and the remark ‘NB’, both in Zelenka’s hand. Together with Missa sine nomine (Nr. 38) by J. F. Fasch, this entry was pasted over and replaced with mass settings by Eberlin (see I/E/12/1) and an unidentified mass by Breunich.‘Breinik’ (Breunich, perhaps either anonymous listings under MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL’AUTORE III/27/3 or III/27/4).
Horn (Hkm, 175) considers Bioni’s Missa Delicta juventutis meae to be a rarity.
It is possible that the mass listings by Bioni Nr. 39 and Nr. 55 in Zelenka’s Inventarium are one and the same work .
NB: The composer of this mass is identified by Jóhannes Ágústsson as being Johann Melchior Pichler, music director to Prince Joseph Johann Adam of Liechtenstein. Email dated 1.8.2017. See ‘Joseph Johann Adam – Patron of Vivaldi’, Studi vivaldiani 17, 2017, 37.
Horn (Die wichtigsten Schreiber, 165) identifies the copyist as ZS 2 (post 1730).
Incipits given in Zelenka-Dokumentation, 49, Nr. 46.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 2 (1900), 49: Bioni, Antonio [...] Messa a 4 voci c. 2 V. Ob. Va. ed Org. Ms. P. u. Stb. [Dresd. kathol. Kirche.

SLB Card Catalog

Bioni, Antonio: A 4 voci co’ violini, oboi, viola ed organo. D-Dur. Part. 1 Bd. Mus.-Mscr. qu. 4to. Kath. Hofkirche


Score copy of a Mass in D by Bioni (Mus. 2498-D-1) held by SLUB.

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“BIONI, Antonio,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,