Treason Rewarded at TIBURN:


Treason Rewarded at TIBURN:


Or, The TRAITORS Downfal.
Being a full Account of the Conviction, and Condemnation of Ireland, Pickering, and Grove; Who were Tryed at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, upon the 17th. of December, 1678. And found Guilty of Contriveing the Death of our Soveraign Lord the King, and for Subverting the Protestant Religion, and the Government of the Three Nations; for which they received Sentence to be Drawn, Hang'd, and Quartered: And Two of them, viz. Ireland and Grove, were accordingly Executed at Tiburn the 24th. of January following; As a warning for all Trai|tors, to take Example by their fall. To the Tune of, Digby's Farewel.

Digital Object

Image / Audio Credit

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Wood E 25(99)

Set to tune of...


LEt all Loyal Subjects look well to their Hits,
For Popish Contrivers are out of their Wits;
They seek to destroy our Religion and King,
And all the three Nations to ruine to bring:
But God in his mercy, doth cross their Designs,
And all their Conspiracies still Countermines.

Then Plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope,
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

Here's Ireland, Pickering, and Grove to make three,
Who have been all Brothers in iniquity;
Are now come to answer for all their foul Crimes,
Which they have been plotting this juncture of times.
Their hidden designs they are all come to light,
And now to the World they must bid a Good-night.

Then Plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope,
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

This present December, the seventeenth day,
These three grand contrivers were brought all away;
Vnto the Old-Baily, where Iustice remain'd.
Such Evidence plainly against them appear'd,
As made them despair of all hopes to be clear'd.

Then Plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope,
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

'Twas prov'd they conspired to Murder our King,
And Popery into the Land for to bring;
To alter the Laws, and to make themselves great,
And to our Religion, to give the Defeat:
All this was attested by Evidence clear,
Which unto the Iury most plain did appear;

Then Plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope,
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

For which horrid Crimes they were guilty brought in,
And then to give Sentence the Iudge did begin,
that they should return to the place whence they came,
A place of great Note, which is Newgate by name;
From thence unto Tiburn be drawn on a Sled;
First hang'd, & then Quartered before they were dead:

Then Plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope,

The second Part,
To the same Tune.

This Sentence of Horror upon them did fall,
Who would have brought ruine and woe to us all,
And now to prepare for their end they retire,
Who were so inclined to Blood and to Fire:
Some more of their Gang are put off for a time,
Who likewise concerned are, in the same Crime:

Then Plotter who Act for old Nick and the Pope,
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

But now came the Day for to finish their Doom,
Where with a strong Guard they to Tiburn did come;
With hearts full of sorrow, though laden with guilt,
For that the foundation was fallen which they built:
As for their Confessions but little they said,
Their Crimes to their consciences closely were laid:

Then Plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

Not all the Popes Masses these Traytors could save,
Nor Irelands Bull, that could Iustice out-brave;
Nor Grove, his Evasions avail'd not a whit,
For now unto Fate they are forc'd to submit:
They that did expect to see other men fall,
Are now by their King-leaders brought into thrall;

Then plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

And thus our grand Foes, that for mischief do watch,
will all by degrees, come shake hands with Jack Ketch
Have patience, and time will bring all unto light,
That they are contriving, though dark as the night:
They strive but in vain against God that's on high,
Beholding their Plots with an All-seeing eye:

Then plotters who Act for old Nick and the Pope
You see at the last you may swing in a rope.

Then let all Romes Agents despair for to see,
Our Nation submit unto their Tyranny;
Their Priests and their Iesuits may pack away,
For here they will find it too hot for to stay:
God bless our good King, and his Counsel preserve,
That from true Religion they never may serve,

And let those who Act for old Nick and the pope,
At last come to Tiburn and swing in a rope.


Method of Punishment

hanging, drawing and quartering





Execution Location


Printing Location

London, printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke

Tune Data

Packington's Pound is often cited as Digby's Farewell,Packingtons Pound or Amintas' Farewell. The tune first appeared in 1671 and was popular for execution ballads (Simpson 1966, pp. 181-187, 564-570).




“Treason Rewarded at TIBURN:,” Execution Ballads, accessed February 16, 2025,

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