A Congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plot
A Congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plot
This is a Tory song attacking Whig i.e. Protestants, think 'Presbyter' refers to Stephen College, and the other names are 17C printers/publishers/booksellers: Richard Janeway, Langley Curtis, Henry Care, etc.
Digital Object
Image / Audio Credit
Huntington Library - Bindley (formerly Luttrell), HEH 135815; EBBA 32286
Set to tune of...
Now, now the Fight's done
COme now let's Rejoyce,
And the City Bells ring,
And the Bonefires kindle,
Whilst unto the KING
We pay on our Knees
The grand Tribute that's due,
Of Thanks and Oblations,
Which now we renew,
For Mercies that we
Have received of late,
From Prudence and Justice
Diverting our Fate.
The Curtain is drawn,
And the Clouds are dispers'd;
The PLOT's come to light,
That in darkness did Nest:
Jack Calvin's display'd
With his Colours in Grain,
And who were the Traytors
And Villains 'tis plain:
The Traps that they laid,
And the Snares that they set,
Have caught them at last
In their own silly Net:
The Foreman himself,
That Off-Spring of Hell,
In whose wicked Breast
All Treason doth dwell,
To the Tower is sent,
With his Triple Name,
Whilst the Triple-Tree groans
For his Carcass again,
And many Rogues more
Their Leader will follow
Unto the same Place,
Whilst we whoop and Hollow.
The Libelling Tribe
Who so long have Reign'd,
And sowed Sedition,
Shall now be Arraign'd;
Their Shams and their Lies
Shall do them no good,
When they come to the Tree,
There's no Shamming that Wood:
Janeway and Curtis
In the Forlorn Hope,
Then Vile, Smith and Care
Shall Neck the next Rope.
So, so, let them dye
That would Monarchs destroy,
And spit all their Venom
Our Land to annoy;
If that their Pow'r were
To their Malice equal,
And their Courage the same,
They'd soon ruine all;
But their Courage is low,
And their Power but small;
Their Treaon is High,
And must have a Fall.
When Trojans of Old
(Our Ancestors) were
In danger of Shipwrack,
And toss'd here and there;
Great Neptune soon quell'd
Those Rebels and Storms,
With brandished Trident,
And free'd them from harms;
They fled from his Face,
Through the guilt of their Cause,
As these from our Lion,
If he stretch out his Paws.
Go Devils, be gone
To the Region below,
Here's no business of yours,
Or ought left to do:
No Tempter we need,
We can act all our selves,
Without any help
From you silly Elves;
For what Presbyter Acts,
He thinks a disgrace
All Hell should out-doe him,
Or dare shew their Face.
For produce all the Ill
That Hell ever hatch'd,
'Tis nothing at all,
When it comes to be match'd
With what has been Plotted
By Traytors of late,
Who aim'd at the Ruine
Of Church, and of State:
By Perjury, Bribes,
By suborning all Evil,
By Murther, and worse
Than e're came from th' Devil.
Now Presbyter come
And submit thy stiff Neck,
Thou labour'st in vain
Our great Monarch to check;
Whose Power Divine
No Mortals controul,
But hazard the loss
Of both Body and Soul:
Then banish for ever
Your Commonwealth hope,
Which tends to destruction,
And ends with A ROPE.
With Wine of all sorts
Let the Conduits run free,
And each true heart drink
The KING's Health on his Knee,
No Treason shall lodge
In our Breasts while we live,
To God, and to Caesar
Their Due we will give;
We'l pray with our Hearts,
And fight with our Hands,
Against all Fanaticks,
When Great CHARLES Commands.
COme now let's Rejoyce,
And the City Bells ring,
And the Bonefires kindle,
Whilst unto the KING
We pay on our Knees
The grand Tribute that's due,
Of Thanks and Oblations,
Which now we renew,
For Mercies that we
Have received of late,
From Prudence and Justice
Diverting our Fate.
The Curtain is drawn,
And the Clouds are dispers'd;
The PLOT's come to light,
That in darkness did Nest:
Jack Calvin's display'd
With his Colours in Grain,
And who were the Traytors
And Villains 'tis plain:
The Traps that they laid,
And the Snares that they set,
Have caught them at last
In their own silly Net:
The Foreman himself,
That Off-Spring of Hell,
In whose wicked Breast
All Treason doth dwell,
To the Tower is sent,
With his Triple Name,
Whilst the Triple-Tree groans
For his Carcass again,
And many Rogues more
Their Leader will follow
Unto the same Place,
Whilst we whoop and Hollow.
The Libelling Tribe
Who so long have Reign'd,
And sowed Sedition,
Shall now be Arraign'd;
Their Shams and their Lies
Shall do them no good,
When they come to the Tree,
There's no Shamming that Wood:
Janeway and Curtis
In the Forlorn Hope,
Then Vile, Smith and Care
Shall Neck the next Rope.
So, so, let them dye
That would Monarchs destroy,
And spit all their Venom
Our Land to annoy;
If that their Pow'r were
To their Malice equal,
And their Courage the same,
They'd soon ruine all;
But their Courage is low,
And their Power but small;
Their Treaon is High,
And must have a Fall.
When Trojans of Old
(Our Ancestors) were
In danger of Shipwrack,
And toss'd here and there;
Great Neptune soon quell'd
Those Rebels and Storms,
With brandished Trident,
And free'd them from harms;
They fled from his Face,
Through the guilt of their Cause,
As these from our Lion,
If he stretch out his Paws.
Go Devils, be gone
To the Region below,
Here's no business of yours,
Or ought left to do:
No Tempter we need,
We can act all our selves,
Without any help
From you silly Elves;
For what Presbyter Acts,
He thinks a disgrace
All Hell should out-doe him,
Or dare shew their Face.
For produce all the Ill
That Hell ever hatch'd,
'Tis nothing at all,
When it comes to be match'd
With what has been Plotted
By Traytors of late,
Who aim'd at the Ruine
Of Church, and of State:
By Perjury, Bribes,
By suborning all Evil,
By Murther, and worse
Than e're came from th' Devil.
Now Presbyter come
And submit thy stiff Neck,
Thou labour'st in vain
Our great Monarch to check;
Whose Power Divine
No Mortals controul,
But hazard the loss
Of both Body and Soul:
Then banish for ever
Your Commonwealth hope,
Which tends to destruction,
And ends with A ROPE.
With Wine of all sorts
Let the Conduits run free,
And each true heart drink
The KING's Health on his Knee,
No Treason shall lodge
In our Breasts while we live,
To God, and to Caesar
Their Due we will give;
We'l pray with our Hearts,
And fight with our Hands,
Against all Fanaticks,
When Great CHARLES Commands.
Method of Punishment
hanging; drawing and quartering
Execution Location
Wikipedia: Stephen College (c.1635-1681) was an English joiner, activist Protestant, and supporter of the perjury underlying the fabricated Popish Plot. He was tried and executed for high treason.
Life: He was born about 1635, and worked at the trade of carpentry. He became known as an anti-Catholic political speaker. He had been a presbyterian until the Restoration of 1660, when he conformed to the church of England. He made himself notorious by his declamations against the papists, by writing and singing political ballads, and by inventing a weapon for self-defence at close quarters, which he called 'the protestant flail. ' He knew many persons of rank. Lord William Russell and Lady Berkeley showed him kindness.' He was one of the bitterest opponents of Lord William Stafford, and exulted over his condemnation and death. Among the writings attributed to him are coarse attacks on lawyers and Catholics,. Among these are 'Truth brought to Light, or Murder will out;' 'Justice in Masquerade, or Scroggs upon Scroggs;' another beginning ' Since Justice Scroggs Pepys and Dean did bail;' 'The Pope's Advice and Benediction to his Judge and Jury in Eutopia;' 'The Wolf Justice ' (against Scroggs); 'A Caution,' and 'A Satyr' against James, Duke of York, the Duchess of Portsmouth, and William Scroggs, whom he hated for acquitting George Wakeman.
When the parliament moved to Oxford, in March 1681, College went there on horseback, ostentatiously displaying weapons and wearing defensive armour, speaking threateningly against the king, and advocating resistance. In June 1681, after the condemnation of Edward Fitzharris, College was arrested, carried before Secretary of State Leoline Jenkins on 29 June, and committed to the Tower. He was indicted at the Old Bailey on 8 July for seditious words and actions, but saved by the influence of Slingsby Bethel and Henry Cornish, sheriffs of whig sympathies. They packed a grand jury who returned a verdict of ignoramus, or “we do not know" (i.e. "we know of no reason why he should stand trial").
At nearly two o'clock in the morning the jury retired, and in half an hour gave their verdict of guilty. The court then adjourned until ten o'clock, when sentence of death was pronounced against him. He was visited in prison by two of the university divines, Dr. Marshall and Dr. Hall, who declared him to be penitent. His family was admitted to see him, and attempts made to obtain a remission of the sentence, but the sole concession granted was that his quarters should be delivered to his friends. On 31 August he was taken in a cart to the place of execution, and made a long speech, chiefly to clear himself from the charge of being a papist. He was then hanged and quartered. His body was buried the next evening at St. Gregory's Church, by St. Paul's.
Life: He was born about 1635, and worked at the trade of carpentry. He became known as an anti-Catholic political speaker. He had been a presbyterian until the Restoration of 1660, when he conformed to the church of England. He made himself notorious by his declamations against the papists, by writing and singing political ballads, and by inventing a weapon for self-defence at close quarters, which he called 'the protestant flail. ' He knew many persons of rank. Lord William Russell and Lady Berkeley showed him kindness.' He was one of the bitterest opponents of Lord William Stafford, and exulted over his condemnation and death. Among the writings attributed to him are coarse attacks on lawyers and Catholics,. Among these are 'Truth brought to Light, or Murder will out;' 'Justice in Masquerade, or Scroggs upon Scroggs;' another beginning ' Since Justice Scroggs Pepys and Dean did bail;' 'The Pope's Advice and Benediction to his Judge and Jury in Eutopia;' 'The Wolf Justice ' (against Scroggs); 'A Caution,' and 'A Satyr' against James, Duke of York, the Duchess of Portsmouth, and William Scroggs, whom he hated for acquitting George Wakeman.
When the parliament moved to Oxford, in March 1681, College went there on horseback, ostentatiously displaying weapons and wearing defensive armour, speaking threateningly against the king, and advocating resistance. In June 1681, after the condemnation of Edward Fitzharris, College was arrested, carried before Secretary of State Leoline Jenkins on 29 June, and committed to the Tower. He was indicted at the Old Bailey on 8 July for seditious words and actions, but saved by the influence of Slingsby Bethel and Henry Cornish, sheriffs of whig sympathies. They packed a grand jury who returned a verdict of ignoramus, or “we do not know" (i.e. "we know of no reason why he should stand trial").
At nearly two o'clock in the morning the jury retired, and in half an hour gave their verdict of guilty. The court then adjourned until ten o'clock, when sentence of death was pronounced against him. He was visited in prison by two of the university divines, Dr. Marshall and Dr. Hall, who declared him to be penitent. His family was admitted to see him, and attempts made to obtain a remission of the sentence, but the sole concession granted was that his quarters should be delivered to his friends. On 31 August he was taken in a cart to the place of execution, and made a long speech, chiefly to clear himself from the charge of being a papist. He was then hanged and quartered. His body was buried the next evening at St. Gregory's Church, by St. Paul's.
“A Congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plot,” Execution Ballads, accessed December 3, 2024, https://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/execution-ballads/items/show/841.